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  • 时间:2016-11-22

  • 来源:互联网



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1.    If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.

2.    Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country.

3.    No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field.


1.Pros: 有些目标极其伟大,尤其是站在国家这个层面来说,实现这一的目标就需要付出相应的代价。且更多的时候,为了实现这一目标,人们并没有更好的选择。例子:很多例子都可以用但以下只提供参考例子:罗斯福新政。

Cons 1:为了实现一些不切实际的目标也会消耗大量的社会资源,而且是不必要的消耗,这就是一种浪费。比如:中国的大跃进,朝鲜的饿死农民造核弹等。

Cons 2:重点谈unjustified,什么样的unjustified是大部分人都无法接受的?牺牲他人利益来为自己获益的不折手段实现目标,是大部分人都无法接受的方式,尤其当这一过程还是被强制执行的时候。因为对于获益者来说任何手段都是合理合法的,但是对于失利者来说,他们被剥削了。例子:太多了,生活中被长辈权威逼着干这干那儿,或者国家层面上,中国建三峡,朝鲜造核弹等。


Pros 1:出国学习可以提高姿势水平,尤其是可以了解到自己学科在不同国家的发展情况和发展方向,有利于加深自己对于本学科的理解。例子:summer school (personal experience)

Pros 2:了解文化多样性,学会尊重不同的文化,有利于成为国际化人才。例子:summer school

Cons 1:出国留学不应该是来自学校的requirement,因为实施起来有困难。不是所有学生都负担得起出国学习和生活的费用。一旦学校强制学生出国学习,很多家庭可能会因为无法负担而产生一系列问题。例子:现象

Cons 2:除了可行性问题,其实还要考虑这个requirement的副作用。海外留学,除了很花钱之外,还要适应问题。融入当地的文化和生活环境对于很多大学生来说都是问题,而且一旦这些问题解决不好的话可能造成悲剧。例子:个人经历或者现象




想在GRE写作ISSUE部分取得突破?请下载:《GRE ISSUE 写作论证论据素材大全》


1.The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice for a client.

   "Most homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last heating season that region experienced 90 days with below-normal temperatures, and climate forecasters predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes are being built in the region in response to recent population growth. Because of these trends, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil."



论证步骤:天气预报 → 未来会冷




   论证步骤:传统用油 + 新房 + 未来会冷 → 油的需求量增多




   论证步骤:油的需求量增高 + CI做油 → 投资CI赚钱




2.The following is a recommendation from the business manager of Monarch Books.

  "Since its opening in Collegeville twenty years ago, Monarch Books has developed a large customer base due to its reader-friendly atmosphere and wide selection of books on all subjects. Last month, Book and Bean, a combination bookstore and coffee shop, announced its intention to open a Collegeville store. Monarch Books should open its own in-store café in the space currently devoted to children's books. Given recent national census data indicating a significant decline in the percentage of the population under age ten, sales of children's books are likely to decline. By replacing its children's books section with a café, Monarch Books can increase profits and ward off competition from Book and Bean."





   论证步骤:R开了Café à R的咖啡馆成功








3.The following appeared in an editorial in a business magazine.

  "Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought were most important in a video game. According to the survey, players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people ten to twenty-five years old, the age-group most likely to play video games. It follows, then, that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months."

论证步骤:调查显示玩家喜欢画质逼真的游戏 → 画质逼真的游戏最火热




   论证步骤:人们喜欢高配的高画质游戏 → 人们会买高配的高画质游戏




   论证步骤:新游戏具有以上特质 → 新游戏卖得好





1. Barring the discovery of new letters, hidden diaries, or the like, fresh information about eminent people is hard to find because their lives have been so intensely ______.

A. ridiculed

B. scrutinized

C. admired

D. embellished

E. underrated

解析:选B,barring意为除了,所以句子的意思是除了发现新的信件,日记这些,名人的新闻太难找了因为他们的人生已经________。填仔细检查过了scrutinized, 因为早就仔细查过了所以没有新闻挖了。

2 As the biography makes plain, the scientist led ______ sort of life, rarely remaining in one place for long. 

A.    an enigmatic

B.    an idiosyncratic

C.    an itinerant

D.    a cautious

E.    a peripatetic

F.    a circumspect




   Some archaeologists speculate that the Americas might have been initially colonized between 40,000 and 25,000 years ago. However, to support this theory it is necessary to explain the absence of generally accepted habitation sites for that time interval in what is now the United States. Australia, which has a smaller land area than the United States, has many such sites, supporting the generally accepted claim that the continent was colonized by humans at least 40,000 years ago. Australia is less densely populated (resulting in lower chances of discovering sites) and with its overall greater aridity would have presented conditions less favorable for hunter-gatherer occupation. Proportionally, at least as much land area has been lost from the coastal regions of Australia because of postglacial sea-level rise as in the United States, so any coastal archaeological record in Australia should have been depleted about as much as a coastal record in the United States. Since there are so many resource-rich rivers leading inland from the United States coastlines, it seems implausible that a growing population of humans would have confined itself to coasts for thousands of years. If inhabitants were present 25,000 years ago, the chances of their appearing in the archaeological record would seem to be greater than for Australia.

1. The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

  A. Presenting an objection to a claim

  B. Accounting for an apparent anomaly

  C. Outlining an alternative interpretation

  D. Correcting a particular misconception

  E. Questioning the validity of a comparison 

2. The author of the passage implies which of the following about 25,000 years ago?

  A. The coastline of the region that is now the United States is longer than it was 40,000 years ago.

  B. Rivers in what is now the United States were numerous than they are now.

  C. Australia was less densely populated at that time than was the region that is now the United States.

  D. Australia’s climate was significantly drier than it is now.

  E. Global sea level was lower than it is now. 

3. The author of the passage implies that, in what is now the United States, archaeological evidence of inhabitation in the period from 40,000 to 25,000 years ago is lacking because that region is

  A. had its oldest habitation sites inundated following a postglacial rise in sea level

  B. has many resource-rich rivers that facilitated the dispersal of early inhabitants from an initial concentration in coastal areas

  C. was sparsely populated until about 25,000 years ago

  D. was colonized less than 25,000 years ago

  E. was inhabited only by hunter-gatherers until 25,000 years ago

解析:答案A E D

文章一开始给的是引用观点:考古学家认为如今的美国最初被人类所居住是在4万到2万5千年前。但是,作者说,考古学家需要解释为什么找不到那个时期人类居住的痕迹。接着,一系列细节,根据逻辑词判断可以先不看因为明确知道,一个观点后只要没有表反驳的词,通常是观点的具体化。细节之后,作者得到一个判断:即假如考古学家的观点为真的话,他们理应能够找到考古遗迹(但实际上没有遗迹)。这个时候,作者已经在暗示:考古学家的观点是不靠谱的。这个观点从头到尾作者都没有直接说出,而需要由我们自己从文章信息中推断出来。论证过程是:考古学家观点是4万到2.5万年前美洲有人,那就应该有遗迹。但是,现在的情况是,没遗迹,于是按照作者之前给的逻辑,没遗迹,那就很有可能美洲没人住。即,P→ q, 那么~P → ~q
















  陷阱合同 霸王条款
  推脱责任 不断拖延
  无端承诺 胡乱收费
  申请失败 拖延退费

  监理师一对一科学分析 定向推荐
  预约高水平的专业顾问 拒绝随机
  审查中介所供留学方案 保障安全













